Surveillanceand security

A main advantage of drones for security is a real time response to cover blind spots by stationary cameras. You can have drones automatically dispatched to a location based on a sensor being tripped. They are able to be quickly deployed and can have a variety of payloads including infrared to track potential suspects who try to flee. Theres no costly training programs in an automated uav security system, it can be cost effective to integrate with your current security forces and improve their ability to secure your designated areas.

Two main types of UAV’s are fixed wing and multirotor. Fixed wings can be more effective in long distance survey situations such as at borders or along highways and hovering around big crowds, for example at a sporting event. They can provide high-level feedback, even in real time if you so choose on things such as illegal border crossing, smuggling, or animal traffic. Multi-rotors can be more effective in smaller more confined areas such as a warehouse or outdoor yard where important materials are stored. A major advantage to multi-rotors is maneuverability that can be used to clear tight spaces of potential threats. Both types of aircraft provide a quick response that can be quicker than on foot or in vehicle personnel. The quick deployment and birds eye view means you avoid foot traffic or things in the way of personnel in vehicles by flying in a direct line to a perceived threat.  

Having an electronic eye in the sky is of great advantage to security teams in any context. You can schedule, repeat, and monitor autonomous missions and patrols. Or have sensors around gates and entry points with dedicated drones ready to deploy to that area as soon as the sensor is tripped. Drones fleets can be managed remotely by a security administrator and worked in tandem with human personnel on the ground to ensure it covering the opposite of where they cannot be.

Drones improve a security teams situational awareness by providing real time information to the person in charge so they can allocate resources to respond to threats properly. They can be outfitted with payloads such as strobes or sirens to deter potential intruders. You can improve the safety of human guards with a drone first strategy by alerting them to what dangers may lie ahead, as well as being able to operate in adverse conditions a human may not be able to. Tracking and following potential threats is a big advantage of using autonomous systems, it can increase the likelihood of catching a potential suspect. But the biggest advantage is automatic blind spot coverage in an emergency situation.

If you want a more permanent solution there is tethered UAV options that can fly for days and when organized at specific points can provide good long term surveillance coverage without all the battery concerns of today’s UAV’s.

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